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Thoughts on how to talk to children about the Coronavirus outbreak

Over these last days, I have been speaking with parents about how to talk to their children about Covid-19. Some of them who had initially preferred not to address the subject as a way of shielding their child, are now feeling the need to start up the conversation.

I would like to share with you a reflection by Gianrico Carofiglio: “Fairy tales don’t tell children that dragons exist: children already know that they exist. Fairytales tell children that dragons can be defeated”

(Gianrico Carofiglio, La manomissione delle parole, Rizzoli, 2010).

This is why we talk and share stories with children, even when the subject is this unthinkable situation!

So, let’s try to make what we are going through an experience facing the community rather than just the individual.

Reading books and watching films helps to engage with the world of culture and creativity. Children and their friends can be encouraged to read the same book with their parents, watch the same film at home, draw pictures, and make video calls. This will create the feeling of being part of an extended collective conversation!

As always, children are receptive to the way they are introduced to the world around them…in these days, they are living a collective, unexpected, unpredictable and dramatic experience that will go down in history.

They are experiencing that life can be hard, a discovery we would have preferred to delay, had it been possible.

Let’s try to make use of images and stories.

I would start off with the images of the “soot sprites in the dark” from the film My Neighbour Totoro by Myazaki, I rewatched the film on Netflix and found it quite wonderful at this moment. It too explores the subject of illness and features some extraordinary grown-ups with one foot firmly grounded in reality with the other in the world of fantasy, who pass on the idea that the only way to ward off unpleasant thoughts, fears, the soot sprites that jump out of different corners of the house is by having genuine fun together.

Suggested reading for teenagers and adults. Some humorous masterpieces:

Gerald Durrell, My Family and Other Animals 

Elizabeth von Arnim, Un incantevole aprile

Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat

Nick Hornby, Fever Pitch: A Fan’s life

Patrick Dennis, Auntie Mame

Bill Bryson, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid. A Memoir



Benedetta D’Intino Foundation and Centre International Conference

Friday, October 2nd 2020, Milan
Centro Congressi FAST, Piazzale Rodolfo Morandi 2, 20121 Milano

Ryan Spring Dooley, In the nursery, 2018, private collection


Provisional Program


8.30 Registration and distribution of headsets for the simultaneous interpretation service Chair

Francesco Barale

Welcome and Introduction by Sara Micotti


Depression in neuropsychoanalysis Presenter: Mark Solms


Depression before speech Presenter: Chiara Cattelan


Negative Capability and the capacity to play Presenter: Antonino Ferro

Roundtable and audience discussion, introduction by Francesco Barale

13.00-13.45 Light lunch


13.45 – 15.00

Parallel case presentations and discussions

15.00-15.30 Coffee-tea break


Rosa Spagnolo

15.30 – 16.30

Primary depression and movements towards the depressive position (Video-presentation) Presenter: Serge Sanchez

16.30 – 17.15

From schizoid withdrawal to the capacity to “dream”. An analytic journey through the Jurassic of the mind
Presenter: Massimo Vigna Taglianti

Roundtable and audience discussion, introduction by Rosa Spagnolo


Conference Closing

ECM test (Italian participants only)

Parallel Workshops 13.45-15.00 Parallel-track case presentations and discussions:

1) Feelings of depression in migrant mothers and children Presenters: Ida Finzi; Federica Stortoni

Chair: Barbara Valli
2) Beyond the techniques of medically-assisted procreation (MAP). Silent suffering and early

psychotherapeutic intervention

Presenters: Giovanni Marchitelli; Ausilia Sparano, Chair: Diana Norsa

3) The structuring of psychosomatic disorders: traumatic events experienced by child and parents Presenters: Rosa D’Agostino; Valeria Ladino Corina
Chiar: Fiamma Buranelli

4) Feelings of depression in children and young teens with SLD Presenters: Andrea Clarici; Ilaria Dufour
Chair: Emanuela Maggioni

5) When a secure base has been missing. The Resurgence of child depression during adolescence Presenters: Antonella Anichini and Pia Massaglia; Monica Bomba
Chair: Anna Scansani

Workshop format:
Each workshop will comprise of

• Two case presentations of 20 minutes each
• An Introduction and discussion of 35 minutes

Introduction to the meeting by Sara Micotti

The conference aims to explore depression in young children by bringing two different disciplines into conversation: affective neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Internationally experienced researchers and clinicians will discuss what occurs when “the secure base” suffers upsets, disruptions and tensions from the beginning of life and how the tools of research, observation, listening, play and words can help children and parents.

During our plenary sessions and parallel clinical workshops, we will discuss the following questions: Can “le mal de vivre” affect us from earliest childhood? Can young children experience de-pression, namely, the collapse of their vital instincts, particularly of the seeking system which is integral to the human urge to explore the unknown?

Integrating sadness and vitality is a crucial phase of psychic maturation. In psychoanalytic terms, we refer to it as the movement towards the “depressive position”. How can unprocessed, shapeless and nameless terrors experienced at sensory level be transformed through the therapeutic relationship? What role is played by therapists at work with patients and carers in capturing the phenomena of the field that come to life in the meeting of minds during the session? Let us think of a way of working that arises from the idea (or what Keats and Bion called negative capability) that much of both the external and internal world escapes our immediate understanding. Today, we will

focus on therapeutic work that expands the psychic container and develops the capacity to play and dream as well as a feeling of aliveness.

Doctors, psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, pediatricians and other childcare professionals will have the opportunity to meet and discuss treatment tools and explore a radically intersubjective vision of how the psyche is born and how psychoanalysis works.

Scientific Committee

Federica Bono, Fiamma Buranelli, Ilaria Dufour, Rita Giorgiutti, Valeria Ladino, Emanuela Maggioni, Sara Micotti, Sandra Piperno, Rosa Spagnolo

Organizing Committee

Alice Cannone, Marta Falsirollo, Rosamaria Ferrante, Roberta Pozzi


Participation in the Study Day is open to educators, speech therapists, doctors, psychoanalysts, psychologists, psychomotor therapists, and psychotherapists. 200 places are available.

Cost: € 120 (including Italian VAT) until 1st July, 2020
Cost: € 160 (including Italian VAT) after 1st July, 2020
Undergraduate and postgraduate students under 30 years: € 40.00 (including Italian VAT)

Registration and payment methods

Send the registration form together with the copy of the bank transfer receipt by email to . The payment must be made by bank transfer to Banca Prossima 05000 Milan branch Beneficiary: Fondazione Benedetta D’Intino IBAN code: IT86 C033 5901 600 10000 0019 714 Reason: name + surname * day study 02/10/2020 (*indicate name and surname of the member)

Cancellation/Refund Policy:

50% of the registration fee will be refunded if notice of withdrawal is received from registrant on or before August 31, 2020. Please send notice of withdrawal via email to: Marta Falsirollo:

No refunds after 1st September, 2020
For further details and registration please contact:

A message from Thomas Ogden

“Sara Micotti’s A Sunny Day is a delightful children’s book that is engaging and leaves plenty of room for creative play by parent and child”.

Thomas Ogden, psychoanalyst and writer

My work with very young children and their parents led me to think of a simple, illustrated book with and without words through which parents can use their bodies, voices and minds to accompany their child in the discovery of the rhythm of everyday life and enjoy giving shape and sense to relational experiences.

I was deeply inspired by the pathway Thomas Ogden created in our psychoanalytic culture toward understanding the importance of nurturing the capacity for rêverie within ourselves and within the early child-parent relationship.


Thoughts on how to talk to children about the Coronavirus outbreak

Over these last days, I have been speaking with parents about how to talk to their children about Covid-19. Some of them …


Benedetta D’Intino Foundation and Centre International Conference Friday, October 2nd 2020, Milan Centro Congressi FAST, …

A message from Thomas Ogden

“Sara Micotti’s A Sunny Day is a delightful children’s book that is engaging and leaves plenty of room for creative …